Here is sample BGP configuration for Cisco CRS router with XR software
Cisco CRS# conf t
Cisco CRS(config)# router bgp 65501
Cisco CRS(config-bgp)# neighbor
Cisco CRS(config-bgp-nbr)# remote-as 2000
Cisco CRS(config-bgp-nbr)# description "CRS BGP sample
Cisco CRS(config-bgp-nbr)# password xxxxx
Cisco CRS(config-bgp-nbr)# address-family ipv4 unicast
Cisco CRS(config-bgp-nbr-af)# route-policy xxxx in
Cisco CRS(config-bgp-nbr-af)# maximum-prefix 5000 75
Cisco CRS(config-bgp-nbr-af)# commit
Cisco CRS# BGP neighbor is det
Remote AS 2000, local AS 65501, external link
Description: "CRS BGP sample
Remote router ID
BGP state = Established, up for 03:47:14
Last read 00:00:18, hold time is 90, keepalive interval is 30 seconds
Configured hold time: 90, keepalive: 30, min acceptable hold time: 3
Last write 00:00:14, Last write before reset 04:07:53
Last write pulse rcvd May 14 22:53:39.617 last full May 14 22:53:39.611 pulse count 2109
Socket not armed for io, armed for read, armed for write
Precedence: internet
Enforcing first AS is enabled
Neighbor capabilities: Adv Rcvd
Route refresh: Yes Yes
4-byte AS: Yes Yes
Address family IPv4 Unicast: Yes Yes
Message stats:
InQ depth: 0, OutQ depth: 0
Last_Sent Sent Last_Rcvd Rcvd
Open: May 14 22:52:55.531 5 May 14 22:52:55.535 5
Notification: May 14 22:32:16.783 4 — 0
Update: May 15 02:39:55.287 143104 May 15 00:42:54.170 979
Keepalive: May 15 02:39:40.545 1141 May 15 02:39:51.536 1241
Route_Refresh: — 0 — 0
Total: 144254 2225
Minimum time between advertisement runs is 30 secs
For Address Family: IPv4 Unicast
BGP neighbor version 1190068
Update group: 0.4 (Update Generation Throttled)
Community attribute sent to this neighbor
Route refresh request: received 0, sent 0
Policy for incoming advertisements is in-cust(7381)
Policy for outgoing advertisements is out-cust-full(0)
4127 accepted prefixes, 4001 are bestpaths
Prefix advertised 332272, suppressed 0, withdrawn 3692, maximum limit 5000
Threshold for warning message 75%
An EoR was not received during read-only mode
Last ack version 1189911, Last synced ack version 0
Outstanding version objects: current 1, max 2
Connections established 5; dropped 4
Last reset 03:47:15, due to User clear requested (CEASE notification sent – administrative reset)
Time since last notification sent to neighbor: 03:47:15
Error Code: administrative reset
Notification data sent:
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