What is BGP Experts Service ?
It is a professional grade of service by BGP Experts who are dealing with real world BGP in daily basis. We are handling any BGP related issues and also global routing issue.
1. Deliver customized BGP configuration.
2. Setup BGP from Remote(remote access should be provided)
3. Review BGP or routing configuration.
4. Troubleshooting for BGP or global routing issues.
5. Simulating custom networks
Is it free ?
Answer is Yes and no.
There are no fixed rate here, however we hope cost of service is enough to support a child in full a year. We are currently supporting www.compassion.com. Please consider it when you make a payment.
See "How can I waive service fee?" below to waive fee.
How can I process it?
1. Send email to us at [email protected] with detailed inquiry in order to open a case.
2. Once we have completely reviewed your information, one of our volunteer based engineer will contact you in next 24~48 hours.
3. Suggestion, reviewing and making an action plan
4. Donation
5. Troubleshooting, monitoring and final review
6. Closing case
How can I waive service fee?
If you are being a member of compassion.com or worldvision.com at least 6 months, send us information of proof. You will get free analysis and solution services as you are brothers and sisters in Jesus.
Please encourage our volunteers
Currently, this site is operating based on volunteers based. Please respect their time and dedication here for only the reason is helping kids. Please encourage our volunteers and let’s take a chance to help children. They are too young to take poverty, diseases and hopeless life.
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